Sunday, March 27, 2016

To What Degree Are We Free?

To what degree are we free? Being a United States citizen means freedom, for most people. America has not always been a free country though. There are still attitudes that can oppress individuals of all aspects of life; race, religion, disability, political alignment, gender, etc. In Unit 13 we learned of philosopher Karl Marx. In today's society we can relate to what he said about the relationship between workers and the corporation, the 1 percenters if you will. This being an election year, I have a quote of Mr. Marx that was not in our readings but one of my favorites; The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. We as a civilization have the opportunity to vote. This is one of our freedoms, voting is something that used to be important. It was something worth fighting for. If we don't exercise our right to vote, others will elect people to roles that can change things for the negative or prevent changes for the good. I think we have a lot of freedoms but more importantly how are we going to protect or preserve them and continue to improve for future generations. I feel like if we do not use the freedoms available to us they could disappear without our knowledge. Yes that's slightly dramatic but there is truth to that. If we are just robots that go through life on auto pilot and let whatever happens happen, what will life be like for those in generations to come? People want to become U. S. citizens for many reasons, most like the freedom our country is known for. The quote I used is a sarcastic tone for me. It tells me that we can continue with whatever is holding us back or we can do something about it. This applies to everything not only voting but also your job, education, even a relationship or partner. Take advantage of things that we can, I linked this post to voting because so much can be done if you get people who you want to represent you in an office. That can be locally and nationally. Not just thinking about yours and my own benefit but generations to come. Thinking about outside of our walls and what it's like in another person's shoes. What do they need? How could we make this an even better place to be? You and I can be as free as we want (with consideration of laws). There is and always will be room for improvement. Of course there will be certain freedoms that you won't have use for, but there must be a majority out there that does. We can and should respect individual rights. America is the land of the free and home of the brave. We can be still and stay on auto pilot while the world moves on or we can do something about it. Take action, take charge, and be a leader to change for the good.

Word Count = 509


  1. Total number of words in the post:

    Spelling errors:

    Grammatical errors:
    The author forgot a comma after "Yes," in, "Yes that's slightly dramatic but there is truth to that."

    Lack of clarity:
    Everything was perfectly clear and well understood.

    Organization of ideas:
    Ideas were organized well and the post has a good flow.

    Did the author answer their question?
    Yes. The author believes we are as free as we can be as long as we improve ourselves and take action as a nation.

    Did the author provide a concrete example that clearly illustrates their main point?
    Yes, the author provided several examples that included the importance of voting and how that can help us be free. As well as a quote that wasn't included in the chapter, but was relevant to the post.

    How does the author’s concrete example illustrate or not illustrate their main point?
    The author's concrete example illustrates their main point because voting is a perfect example of how we as a nation are free. The author also made it a point that voting is a right that was fought for and isn't being taken advantage of anymore. The author stresses that if we place importance on voting and use our freedoms to our advantage, we will continue to be free. But if we don't, and accept anything that happens because we don't care, eventually we won't be free anymore.

    Do you agree or disagree with the author’s answer and why?
    I actually do agree with the author because it has become more and more clear that a significant majority of young adults no longer care about voting. My senior year of high school I took a Government class, and it was obvious that my generation didn't care as much about voting or politics. Whatever belief they did have came from what their parents taught them, and not out of research and genuine interest in whatever topic we had discussed.

    What is a concrete example that clearly illustrates why you agree or disagree with the author?
    "If we are just robots that go through life on auto pilot and let whatever happens happen, what will life be like for those in generations to come?"
    What is your explanation of how your concrete example clearly illustrates your reason for why you agree or disagree with the author?
    I used a piece that the author stated as a concrete example because my generation is responsible for handling the situations that came before us. The next generation will be responsible for the situations that my generation produces. The whole point is ideally we would like to live in a society with the least amount of issues as possible. The best way to do that is by paying attention to these issues and politics and placing importance on voting again.

    1. Thank you Almighty Olympus for your review. I appreciate your honesty. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    2. Nice peer-review Almighty Olympus.

  2. Overall, your post is written well, and I am glad you enjoyed writing it, but a major part of the assignment was for you to incorporate the content of your reading assignments into some aspect of your life. I'm afraid you didn't do enough in regard to this aspect of the instructions. You need to tell me more about what you read besides using a quote from one of the philosophers that were addressed in your readings, and the quote wasn't even from the text.

    Best wishes,

    Dr. Mun
